ExtraSensory Perception (ESP)

ExtraSensory Perception (ESP), its a special sense beyond vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Unlike ordinary senses, ESP has virtually unlimited range, and it's experienced mainly as thoughts rather than bodily sensations.It can provide the individual with information of the present, past, and future; as it seems to originate in a second, or alternate reality.

The other view holds that there's nothing supernatural about these events at all. These things do happen, the skeptics say, but they're perfectly in keeping with conventional science.

In this article, we'll take a look at both sides of the argument to find out what might be behind the ESP phenomenon. We'll also find out how false psychics can fake ESP, and we'll see how this sort of trickery factors into the ongoing parapsychology debate.

When considering types or forms that ESP might take dreams become an important factor, especially in relationship to the theory of two realities. Upon this basis dreams were separated into two categories: realistic, vivid having detailed imagery of the information conveyed, and intuition which includes "gut feelings." forebodings, and premonitions; and unrealistic dreams containing fantastical imagery and symbols. Hallucinations that relayed visual and auditory information also were included. Rhine suggested the reason for dreams being efficient carriers of ESP messages is because the barriers surrounding the conscious mind appear to be thinnest.

More recently computer games are increasingly being used to test ESP. The computer is programmed so that a random series determines the targets, and the subjects attempt to outguess the computer.

There are theories concerning individuals who possess ESP and how they acquired this ability. One theory holds that some people such as seers, prophets and diviners were bore with the gift which was inherited by their relatives. Another theory hold that it is` a primordial sense which has decreased in populations as their cultures advanced. Still another theory claims ESP is a supersense which evolves in the nervous system.